How To Win At Chess

Since 2020, the most common question I have received is:

“What’s a good chess book for beginners?”

The truth is, there was no clear answer. So I decided to write one myself.

This book will completely modernize how new and improving players learn chess in written form. You can pick this book up with ZERO chess knowledge and be a formidable opponent when you are finished with it.

500+ Instructional gameplay Illustrations

To make learning as simple as possible, I have replaced traditional chess notation with dynamic diagrams that highlight every move being made.

Also, there are functional arrows which direct your attention to specific boards. Imagine Google Maps, but for chess learning!

This is the first chess book in history to feature QR codes.

At the end of each chapter, you can review everything you learned with free bonus content that is hosted on Chessly, my educational platform.

QR Codes

What are you waiting for?